
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How to Hide Scraps from Friends on Orkut

Orkut security features allow you to hide your scraps from people who are not in your list. But few times we have some bully friends and want to hide our scraps from them. You might be having your home members in your friends list and don’t want them to see your scraps for any reason. Since Orkut does not provide any official way to do this, we will play with some Orkut features to accomplish this trick. Now, you can hide scraps from friends, let’s know how to do this.

If you can recall, Orkut started a new Orkut Spam feature recently. Orkut spam is a spam protection that removes all spam scraps (at least Orkut thinks so, most of the time they are not spam) to a spam box folder. That spam box folder is accessible to you only. Orkut spam box look like the below screenshot.

Orkut spam feature will delete all spam spam mails from your scrapbook and will keep in spam box

Since Orkut spam box and it’s contents are visible to you ONLY, moving a scrap from your scrapbook to your spam box will make your scrap hidden in scrapbook. Let’s know how to do this.

Hide Orkut scraps on your scrapbook from everyone, even from your friends

  1. In the above screenshot you can notice a check box just to the left hand side of your scraps. Check that box.
  2. Click on Report Spam button to report that message as spam.
  3. Now that scrap has been moved to your spam box and can be accessed by you only.
  4. None of your friends will be able to see that scrap now.
  5. You are done.

I know, this is not a healthy trick, but there is a saying “Something is always better than nothing”. As far as my personal view goes, hiding scraps from orkut friends will make Orkutting a bit boring. This open social network is for open friendship, why to limit it’s scope?

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The Insider said...
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