
Tuesday, January 29, 2008


It looks as if Orkut has turned four years old this day, and has come a long way since launching its very first forum.

(Official Orkut Blog) You may have noticed that the orkut logo looked a little different when you signed in today -- and if the four candles on the cake didn't give it away already, it's our fourth birthday. That's right, 2/5ths of a decade ago, orkut launched. It has grown up pretty fast, with many more features, communities, friends and photos since it first opened as an invite-only community. Whether you've been with us for years or days, thank you for being a part of the orkut community!

Excluding blogging and usenet forums (such as Google Groups), Orkut was the very first social network that signed onto, way back in the day when social networks were generally seen as merely the "geek thing" to do (blogging was just catching on back then).

While I have also signed up with dozens of others, ranging from MySpace to Facebook, Orkut still remains one of the most user friendly social networks out there, and probably one of the major ones that still has not "maxed out" (or reached its full potential).

Anyways, congrats to the Google Orkut team! I am looking forward to an improved Orkut for 2008.

Note: Hopefully I'll be able to pick up the posting frequency (not to mention respond to everyone's messages) once I rearrange my schedule due to work, other blog duties (elsewhere), and politics (they are campaigning like crazy in my area).



blog is disorganised, anyways, keep whistling...

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